School Colors is a narrative series about race, class, and power in American cities and schools, told through the story of one public school district in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. School Colors is a production of Brooklyn Deep, a hyperlocal digital journalism platform affiliated with the Brooklyn Movement Center.
School Colors has been recommended by The New York Times, New York Magazine, Vanity Fair, and The Atlantic, and featured on NPR’s Code Switch. Hosts Max Freedman and Mark Winston Griffith have been interviewed on the Brian Lehrer Show, All Things Considered, and Inside City Hall.
Unsettled is an independent podcast about Israel-Palestine and the Jewish diaspora. Since premiering in August 2017, Unsettled has released more than 60 episodes. Unsettled was chosen to compete in the Independent Film Project's first-ever Podcast Pitch Night, and was featured as an Indie Podcast to Watch by RadioPublic.
Unsettled was awarded a grant from the BBC World Service and the Sundance Institute to produce “The Shepherd and the Settler,” which aired on the BBC World Service as part of the “Rulebreakers” series in September 2020. I spent a week in the West Bank embedded with activists from the Center for Jewish Nonviolence as they worked with local Palestinians to stage a nonviolent direct action. That experience turned into a four-part series for Unsettled called “The Birthday Party.”
Making the Call (Endeavor Audio): As our policy makers, medical experts, and first responders grapple with the choices forced upon us by the novel Coronavirus, doctors and hosts Dr. Zeke Emanuel and Dr. Jonathan Moreno guide us on the codes of ethics that are the backbone of modern medicine. They answer the key questions raised by COVID-19 including “How do we decide who gets a ventilator?” “Who, if anyone, can force you to stay home in the interest of public health” and “When there’s a vaccine, who will get it first?” Join the “architect of the Affordable Care Act” and “the quietly most interesting bioethicist of our time” as they interrogate critical thinking in a time of crisis and show us what it means to be the ones Making the Call.